Adidas Gymball

Adidas Gymball

Available in: 55cm Purple, 65cm Orange, 75cm Grey

A gymball has to offer a fine balance between support and instability, if the ball is too rigid or too soft then the effects on your core stabilising muscles will be compromised.

The adidas Gymballs all perform to these optimal levels.

This particular Gymball has been manufactured with anti-burst material for added safety and features a dual texture grip for extra stability.

Enhancing the effects of your daily workout, the gymball is used to keep the balance, with the body working different muscle groups that wouldn't be active while exercising on a flat surface.

Suitable for sit-ups, back exercises, stretching and resistance work, the adidas Gymball is a must-have fitness accessory in your collection and comes with the necessary hand pump.

  • Anti-burst material
  • Includes hand pump
  • Gymball with dual texture grip for extra stability



Adidas Gymball

Colour - Size:
55.65 !!
Adidas Gymball, 55cm Purple
55.65 !!
Adidas Gymball, 65cm Orange
55.65 !!
Adidas Gymball, 75cm Grey